I was too tired to report yesterday. I didn't get my usual prego lady nap, and then we went out for a date night. So we got in late and I collapsed. My apologies.
Yesterday we hit the road and met up with my Aunt Vicki in Tampa. The girls loved her tiny Dauschund Gretchen, as well as the sand toys that Vicki so thoughtfully packed. She jumped in the car with us and guided us to our first destination: the manatee hangout. The local power plant has long been attracting manatees in the winter with their warm outflow water, and built a nice viewing area. The manatees are wild, so there's no guarantee you get a close view, but one was lounging pretty close to the viewing pier, and we saw it come up for air a few times before the girls got bored. They're not exactly exciting animals... The viewing site had a lovely butterfly garden where we ate lunch before heading to our main attraction: the beach.
Vicki has a time share on Anna Maria Island, a quiet beach community. The girls loved the sand, the water, and running around. I loved seeing manta rays and brown pelicans in the wild. And the sun. I definitely got a bit of sun! The weather was warm, but not hot. The breeze was cool, but not too cool. It was a lovely day to sit and do nothing on a beach.
We did a fair amount of driving and got home around 7:30. We rushed to feed and bathe ourselves and the girls before our date. BestestHusband's coworker was coming upstairs to stay with the girls, and we had plans for Cuban desserts and child-free conversation. The evening was pleasant enough for alfresco dining, which we enjoyed. But we were wiped. The date ended with us collapsing in bed.
Which is what I desperately want to do now. I promise to tell you more. Tomorrow. Oh pillow, I do miss you do...
If you hired someone to take care of your dogs, and you happened to say to them -- "Oh, and could you shovel if there's a little snow? You know, just make it look lived in..." then you owe someone big. Ha! You're not going to believe it when you get back here! --Polly