Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Vacation Summary

We've long been back in Boston, and the snow from our megastorm is gradually receding. But I feel like I should write a final post about our vacation.

We picked a great week to go to Orlando. The weather was great and we were definitely ready to leave Boston's winter. In hindsight, I'm willing to admit that it's good that we were here for the storm. BestestHusband would never have been happy with anyone else's shoveling, he would have been worried, and dog walking in higher-than-the-dogs snow drifts is a lot to ask a dog sitter. But the contrast between Friday in Orlando and Saturday in Boston was pretty stark.

So we did learn a few things on the trip.
I miss living in the South.
Orlando drivers are crazier than Boston drivers.
Manatees are not as exciting to watch as dolphins.
Seeing manta rays at the beach is pretty cool.
MeToo still desperately needs an afternoon nap, regardless of what expensive excursions have already been paid for. Skipping Disney was confirmed as the right choice for this year.
The girls love their room, their beds, and their toys, and miss them when they're gone.
We still haven't found a hotel bed more comfortable than our own. It was good to come home.
Cooking is easier with a fully stocked kitchen, but a rented suite/apartment with a basic kitchen is the best way to get by on $100 for feeding a family of 4 for a week in Orlando.
A week's worth of warm sun is necessary for surviving our dreary winters.
Pregnancy brain allows me to lose one lunchbox, one Nalgene bottle, and one sippy cup. Hey, at least it wasn't a kid.

Now to face the reality of being back. Happy February!


  1. Holy smokes, you guys must have one epic sledding hills. The girls would be insanely jealous if they saw this - all we got was less than a foot of snow that quickly turned to dirty slush. Yah, New York winters...

    1. Herman, that's just the "little" hill next to our house. You should see the real sledding hill across the street from us! People were actually skiing down it after this storm!

  2. PS. The little pink blobs at the top are our girls.
