Sunday, April 29, 2012

Stewardship Sunday

Thank goodness for frozen meals. Those leftovers saved our evening. I set a goal of regular 5pm Sunday Dinners. Well, the girls and I were still napping at 5pm. Then we took a walk to see the lilacs in the Arboretum. So we got home a bit before 8pm. And didn't have too many leftovers in the fridge. It's been a busy week. A not-many-leftovers kind of week.

Monday: We went to the children's museum, then later to the gym.
Tuesday: I had a migraine and was pretty much incapacitated. Did manage to have a meeting at daycare in late afternoon. 
Wednesday: Baked biscotti, ran a ton of errands, many on foot, and I'm sure we did some other fun stuff, but I don't remember... probably including the gym...
Thursday: Worked, then saw Alvin Ailey at night.
Friday: cooked for a friend, had another friend over for lunch, visited first friend for a playdate, then had a date evening with the girls at daycare babysitting night. (whew)
Saturday: worked, then had a home movie night.
Sunday: HeyMama stayed home with BestestHusband to nurse a sore throat. MeToo and I went to Sunday School. Then Trader Joes on the way home. Then lunch and a long nap. 4 hours long. We're all fighting off a sore throat.

Ok, so for some people, this is normal. This is not normal for us. Well, reading old posts, maybe it is becoming normal for us. But it still doesn't feel normal. We're homebodies. We like to be at home. It's a cozy place. It was a busy enough week that I didn't have the time to blog. I don't like feeling this busy. I feel out of control. I don't like that. I work only part-time to make our lives simpler and saner. Not let them get crazy busy and out of control!

Ok, so let's just report on the week so I can get to bed. I'm still tired after my 4 hour nap, and tomorrow is another long day...

Food waste:  We chucked a few fuzzy strawberries because we didn't eat them soon enough. Shameful in my book. I love strawberries. Especially the more expensive fresh ones.

Time:  We managed to shoehorn a lot of stuff into one week. We had a lot of fun. I'm realizing that I have to focus on it to make sure we have fun. Otherwise I let the ToDos get in the way. Life at home with small children is supposed to allow me to have fun. I was doing it all wrong for too long. This past week, we definitely had more fun. 

Patience:  More fun = more patience. I'm never perfect. But more fun helped. And MeToo's tantrums at church and Trader Joe's today were more tolerable. 

Money:  I've made a goal of eating through our freezer stockpiles. This doesn't prevent me from needing to buy groceries, but hopefully it will prevent the wasting of food already in the freezer. And eating more frozen leftovers = needing to spend less money on new food. 

Ok, so another busy week looms ahead. Hope it's a good one for you!

1 comment:

  1. I agree - if you don't make having fun a priority, it's too easy to let the To-Do list dominate your life. And staying home with the kids is supposed to let everyone have more fun (even the one who doesn't stay home gets to enjoy the reduced chaos on weekends and evenings!). It's wonderful if you can afford it.
    Some things just have to get done, but your time is the most precious gift God gives you, and using it wisely includes having fun. Kids feel loved and important when you have time to have fun with them. And kids that know they are loved are more tolerant of getting things done in between the fun stuff.
    Hope you enjoy another busy week!
