Monday, February 27, 2012

Second Attempt: Stewardship Monday

So going to bed early helped, even if I did stay awake reading a book. I woke up in a much better mood, even if BestestHusband's 7:15 Acela train to NYC made the wake up earlier than usual.

So here's my second attempt at Stewardship Sunday. On a Monday.

Anyway, the previous week was pretty good. Things had settled down since the post-vacation transition. I managed to not waste too much food, especially since I started out the week with such a full fridge. I'm actually proud of my food-management skills: I got rid of multiple leftovers by feeding them to company. Yes, I fed leftovers to dinner guests. Actually, it was my Pastor. And a fundraiser for the Lutheran Malaria Initiative. They offered to bring over dinner, but I was afraid of gaining an additional meal of leftovers instead of getting rid of a meal of leftovers I already had. I know, silly, but it made sense at the time...

They seemed genuinely happy to eat my "makeover" meal. I'm pretty proud of how it turned out. Or maybe it was all the wine. And the maple vodka. I was pretty tipsy. BestestHusband was pretty happy, too... 

I was hungover the next morning. It doesn't take too much these days. I'm a cheaper date than I've ever been. 

And while most people get taken out to a nice dinner when someone wants to talk them into donating to a charity, we're the type of people who invite fundraisers over to our house, feed them, give them alcohol, and THEN happily agree to give them money. I think we might be doing it all wrong.

But the cause isn't. I'll talk more about the Lutheran Malaria Initiative some other time, but we didn't have to get ourselves drunk to be willing to donate. It's a great project:

Food waste:
2 pork chops
small container of roasted vegetables
4 slices bread
It's a meal's worth, which isn't great. But it could have been WAY worse! And it wasn't! And it would have been way worse if friends hadn't accepted half of a large casserole, then shared it with Pastor. Hmm, he ate two different leftovers from me this week...

M&M consumption:  Excessive. (Sigh)

Patience with the kids:  Better, by the grace of God. Until last night. But then, I had the grace of BestestHusband who let me run away for an hour or so. 

How was your week?

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